Sep 03 2008
Diddy rubs his chin in Diddy Blog 16.5

Diddy Apologizes to Alaska. Sarah Palin?.. Not So Much

Diddy Blogs are getting a lot of attention these days; not for good reasons. People are generally amazed that a multi-millionaire is goofing around on the internet like a teenager. I liked the video about gas prices, Janelle Monae was the truth, but sometimes Diddy seems in desperate need of someone to edit the off the rails stuff.
Like “John McCain is Buggin Out”.

In his latest video blog Diddy apologizes to Alaska and gives a second opinion on Sarah Palin. He added that he’s aware black people (and crack heads) live in the 49th state and tells folks not to take his videos so seriously.

Diddy Blog 16.5 - I Apologize Alaska

Diddy blogs are meant to be fun. ← His words.

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 Reggie Wed, Sep 03, 2008 - 10:26 pm

Why did he apologize? John McCain is bugging the f**k out! McCain thinks women are that stupid that he can pick any woman and think that upset women are just going to vote for this clown because he picked a woman. Why in the world didn’t he pick Condelezza Rice if he wanted a woman? That way he could at least say there was someone in this race that can compare to the Obama’s intelligence. But instead he picks a lady who can’t even control her own teenage daughter (17 and pregnant). I thought at least if McCain won we would have someone smarter than that dingbat Bush but now Obama winning is a must if we are going to change anything. This has to be in the top 5 dumbest things that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The scary thing is that it’s one of the top five dumbest things and it was done by someone that is running for the President of the United States. Horrifying!!!!

