Jul 26 2007
ABC Geico Caveman

Geico Cavemen: Are They Black, Are they White or Just Very Hairy

Television critics got a sneak peek at ABC’s upcoming “Cavemen” show starring the characters from the Geico commercials. In the series the caveman are seemingly always misunderstood and upset about how they are perceived in society. They’re also great dancers, known for their athletic ability, boast about their sexual prowess and have people they look down on as well - the shavers aka the clean shaven people.

After seeing the pilot episode TV critics are saying it had racial undertones the show’s creators aren’t admitting to and asked “Just who are these characters based on?”

Before the press conference “Cavemen” producers expected to be bombarded with questions about commercialism - you know, what’s next The Geico Lizard movie and books?

Instead they found themselves fending off hostile critics.

In response to a question about the cavemen’s athletic and sexual superiority, writer Josh Grodan dryly replied, “They’re Jewish.”

“I actually didn’t know we would catch so much hell,’‘ writer Joe Lawson tossed out to the room.

Things got so uncomfortable actor Nick Kroll, who plays one of the cavemen, said, “I was told there was going to be a laugh track here,  but I guess that’s not the case.”

The critics just looked at him.

What happens now? It’s back to the editing room.

magazine clip from the Geico cavemen crib

“Unfortunately, in our society, if you pick an offensive stereotype of any kind, it’s going to bump up into some ethnic group. It’s going to happen,” said executive producer Mike Schiff. “As we are, though, we’re talking about the cavemen, we’re making them a very specific thing.”

“We’re aware that the pilot (episode) seems to lean a little bit more in that direction. But in the episodes that we’re coming up with now, it’ll become clear what the show is about.” added Grodan.

“I think it’s really a show about acclimation more than anything, and that’s something that everybody deals with, doesn’t matter whether you are a minority or not.”

The cavemen are still hanging out at the Cavemen’s Crib.

Hmm.. isn’t that black slang 😊

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 ellie Fri, Jul 27, 2007 - 6:23 am

are you happy?

2 Chris G. Fri, Jul 27, 2007 - 10:26 am

About this story?

The lil smiley guy is only there for the irony in the official site being called the.. Crib.

I actually like the Geico commercials and the cavemen. In January I did a post saying there was a rumor the show was gonna be created and how great the airport commercial is.

That blurb got lost in the database debacle, which is a whole nother story.

But no, there’s no pointing and laughing.. today.

3 MrBang Fri, Jul 27, 2007 - 11:37 am

The 30 sec commercials were brilliant, and funny, but this TV series was / is a bad idea. Not gonna fly. 1 season and its a wrap.

4 Whoo Mon, Aug 13, 2007 - 1:01 pm

I thought that I was just being an overly-paranoid black person when I saw these commercials.  My initial thought was that they were funny. But then it started to become a lil more transparent that the scenario’s were cleverly disguised racist commentary that bared a strikingly similar resemblance to America’s black/white racial tension
from the white man’s perspective.

They were still interesting to me only because it exposed to certain degree how we actually are really perceived. An entire television series is not a good idea because it would probably be hurtful and generate a greater divide…but the truth needs to be discussed and both sides need to be heard.

5 Caca boy Tue, Aug 21, 2007 - 11:25 am

The Cavemen are lame, watch that series tank

6 Keep The Caveman Wed, Aug 29, 2007 - 9:57 pm

Oh my Goodness…PEOPLE…it’s a show about Cave Men…Men who lived in CAVES….what kind of racial tension is there…I guess if ya’ll look hard enough…EVERYTHING would be racial….

I love the cavemen, and I hope they keep it….good grief….I mean…get over racial bull crap….and laugh a little…..

CaveMan Lover in Virginia…

7 toiletmonkey Wed, Sep 05, 2007 - 10:10 pm

the cavemen are awsome.

8 nojustice Fri, Sep 14, 2007 - 3:48 am

A post-racial US American society: So easy a white man can do it…use it as an annoying TV commercial campaign (for insurance, a 4000 year old scam which still plagues mankind) and then convince another white man to think that such an uninspired concept would make for a “watchable” TV series.

9 Drew Mon, Oct 15, 2007 - 5:09 am

nice post. found something that might interests you.


10 RudeDogg Wed, Oct 17, 2007 - 2:09 am

Lighten up everyone! This is just a friggen TV show that pokes fun at how we ALL perceive one another from time to time. It doesn’t target any specific group it doesn’t target anything. If it does one thing it just makes us aware of how stupid people can think about one another, all races and nationalities do it to one another, not only just one group.  One other thing it does? It makes people laugh, just like it’s supposed to do. If not? Change the damned channel. Just innocent, light-hearted comedy, take it down a notch, would ya?

11 Samm Tue, Oct 23, 2007 - 9:30 pm

The cavemen ROCK!!!!!! dude you wish you were them! Yeah they my hubbies!!!!!!!!! 😊 wooh!

12 DIRTY Thu, Nov 15, 2007 - 12:14 pm


13 My People Sun, Mar 02, 2008 - 1:10 am

So what you are saying is it’s ok to make fun of a race of people that are no longer around?
Yes Cavemen Rock, we all are related to them. It’s still racial know matter how you look at it.
So when we are all gone, it’ll be ok to make fun of people who lived in houses or apartments?
Why can’t we all just get along and enjoy life together, instead of making fun of each other.
Whoo, I would like to talk to you, I agree with what you said.

14 Reed Tue, May 20, 2008 - 9:26 pm

luv da pictures

15 cavemenrsexy Tue, May 20, 2008 - 10:21 pm

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16 Cat Dude Sun, Aug 03, 2008 - 4:12 pm

Chill people !! Racial tension ” making fun of people who are no longer around…” PUHLEASE!!

17 slice Thu, Apr 14, 2011 - 8:14 am

the cavemen dont even resemble blacks besides their nose width   they have thin lips and hair similar to that of caucasians

18 Homer Fri, Jul 20, 2012 - 1:58 pm

It looks more like Corning Visions glass ceramic…Pyrex cokrwaoe is (if European) clear borosilicate glass or (if in North America) greenish soda-lime glass—the main difference between the Pyrexes is the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). The brownish color of Visions is from the phase-separated ceramic. The type of glass is important when it comes to baking, since the CTE (and therefore susceptibility to thermal shock) determines whether the glass will break upon cooling or heating. The scientists designing the glass must have had some understanding of pi to design the glass. It is a pie pan made using pi, which relates to St. Patrick’s day because food could be cooked in it. Let’s hope the bakers understood the difference between these types of glass or they could create a dangerous wreck.

