Jul 31 2008
Will Smith looking for I Am Legend 2

I Am Legend 2 Coming Soon? >> “Absolutely”

Director Francis Lawrence, the eye behind I Am Legend, has confirmed rumors that he’s writing I Am Legend 2. It will be a prequel, showing Will Smith’s scientist character before the bridges fell in the river and New York City became a wasteland for the infected.

Francis Lawrence on the I Am Legend set

“Absolutely (there will be a prequel), we’re actually trying to crack that,” said Lawrence. “We’re trying to figure out some ideas for it, but yes, it would be a prequel.”

Wasn’t the back story covered in the flashbacks?

The problem is the studio shucked the original ending.. in favor of the one that tested better.

If Lawrence zooms into the streets in I Am Legend 2 it should look a lot like 28 Weeks Later: buckets of blood and flesh, screams of terror, and Will Smith being chased to his Village bathroom.

That should be enough for the top spot on opening weekend.

One thing Will Smith will have to figure out is how to fit his daughter Willow into the movie.

I Am Legend - Will and Willow Smith

In I Am Legend she’s like 4 or 5.

By the time this prequel is made, she’s going to be too old for the role.

I Am Legend - Will and Willow Smith - American Girl Kitt Kittredge

Will might have knock Jada up for another actor baby.

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 sssexy Fri, Jul 02, 2010 - 6:29 pm

u confused or wat_ JUS PLAYIN BUT I LIKD DAT MOVIE

2 Willow smith Sat, Jun 30, 2012 - 11:31 am

I think it’s a confusing mystery

