Mar 05 2008
Will Smitth - I Am Legend

I Am Legend Alternate Ending Hits the Web

One of the biggest complaints of I Am Legend - even from people that liked it - is how the last thirty minutes shifted from a tension-filled drama, into a standard zombie movie, complete with a comic book bang to finish it off. The I Am Legend DVD will be in stores on March 18th. One of the bonus features is the original ending that got chopped in favor of..  should I give it away for the stragglers?

I’ll just say, uh.. Bruce Willis.

In this original ending the movie fades on a more hopeful, Barack-like note and way more emotional. Of course it’s on the web, but you’ll probably have five minutes or so to get to it.


I didn’t mind the first ending, what really irked me was the big boy zombie er.. infected super-human, banging on the glass, again and again, with the same motions and facial expressions. It was an obvious special effects loop. Little things like that matter.
With the glass cracked, you’re telling me he couldn’t take it down with that rabid strength and ear piercing scream?

Like I said, it was irky.

big boy infected human wipes the glass

This time the zombie wipes the glass, stops his craziness and Will Smith sees the butterfly. He looks at the infected woman’s arm.

infected woman's butterfly tattoo

She has a butterfly tattoo.

Will takes it as a sign to return her to the other infecteds. He tells that chick to open the door and slides the infected girl and himself into the room with the others. Door shuts behind him, you’re on your own dude.

zombie reunion - I Am Legend

There is a moment where it looks like he’ll be ripped apart, but instead big boy scoops her off the table and breaks out. I believe Will gave him a syringe with the cure in it too.

Will Smith cruises into the horizon

The movie ends with Will Smith and friend cruising over the Brooklyn Bridge, or the Manhattan Bridge, Washington? It’s one of them. As they search for more survivors, all is good in Willie world - they have the cure.

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 Jah Wed, Mar 05, 2008 - 10:58 pm

I like this alternate ending better.  My gripes with the first were that it felt like it had been “played out”—more like a “safe” way out for the masses.

2 Stymuli Fri, Mar 07, 2008 - 2:54 pm

This alternate ending makes more sense. In the theatrical ending, they martyrized him for no reason. You could tell from the jump that the vampire dude just wanted to get the vampire girl back. I suppose the only reason they went with the theatrical ending was because what else could they do with the character and the movie? This was the third remake of this movie.

3 Stymuli Fri, Mar 07, 2008 - 2:56 pm

By the way, it’s the George Washington Bridge.

4 Jef Porkins Wed, Mar 12, 2008 - 2:52 pm

Yeah, it always seemed odd to me that Will Smith in the movie was preaching tolerance and unity in his diatribe regarding the music of Bob Marley, yet refusing to recognize the vampires as anything but animals. This goes more closely along the lines of the book where Neville realized that a new society had begun and he was the outcast. It doesn’t spell it out for you, but it gives a better reason for the name “I Am Legend” that’s closer to the books reason. Leave it to Hollywood to take the explosion ending over the thought provoking ending.

5 Brian Sat, Mar 22, 2008 - 6:35 am

One complaint about the other ending that i noticed tonight.  How is Smith crusing over any bridge when not 30 min into the movie the military destroy all three bridges??

6 Glenn Sun, Mar 23, 2008 - 3:44 am

I have the same question as Brian. Why has no one else noticed that all the bridges have been blown up? How are they crossing the GW???

7 Milo Finch Tue, Mar 25, 2008 - 12:17 am

good point Glenn…

8 zachery Wed, Mar 26, 2008 - 3:02 pm

what i dont get is how does he know to look on the zombie girls back it has been racking my brain constantly if anyone knows let me know i will check this site later today thanks

9 Chris G. Wed, Mar 26, 2008 - 7:19 pm

Before his daughter took off in the helicopter, she mentioned something about a butterfly. When the zombie cracks the glass it shattered (to him) in the shape of a butterfly. Triggers his memory. From working on the girl he remembers she has a tattoo.

Happy alternate ending 😊

10 glenn Sat, Mar 29, 2008 - 1:07 am

see, my problem is, I really want to like this movie. I just cant get over the bridge part. that and how did the chick get across in her car to get ON TO Manhattan?

11 Rob Sat, Apr 05, 2008 - 11:33 pm

The three bridges that blow up are the Brooklyn, Manhattan and Williamsburg. The George washington is on the other side of Manhattan and a couple of miles north. You can’t see that bridge from the seaport. The military probally would have kept one bridge open in case they needed to get on the island.

12 tmac Fri, Sep 12, 2008 - 5:30 pm

this ending lacked the emotional thrust that the theatrical one posessed

13 baden Wed, Mar 18, 2009 - 10:24 am

ah lame!

so lame!

14 DARDI Mon, Feb 08, 2010 - 11:56 am

will smith you are th king

15 mille Mon, Jul 05, 2010 - 5:28 am

will smith is so hot in this!!
its verry bad that your dog died and 6heres no happy end…but will is hot..😉

16 bajram Thu, Nov 18, 2010 - 9:47 am

i love whith smith bicause hiz intelegent

17 a girl Sat, Feb 26, 2011 - 5:27 pm

I was only 11 when i saw I Am Legend and I thought it was the best movie in the world

18 joel Tue, Dec 06, 2011 - 1:37 pm


19 sensi Sat, Dec 24, 2011 - 11:29 pm

Anna and Ethan already came from Maryland so they could drive to Vermont too.

Also alternate ending is okay in terms of emotion but how about dark lab they’re in? Without killing them they couldn’t survive.

