Jul 29 2008
Mr. T's banned Snickers commercial - a shot to the butt

Mr. T’s Banned Snickers Commercial

Have you seen this commercial? It starts with a guy speed walking in yellow shorts, his backside moving in that swishy way that speed walkers do. Suddenly Mr. T busts through the wall of a house in a Snickers military vehicle. T is offended at the guy’s lame lil exercise..

“Speed walking. I pity you fool. You are a disgrace to the man race. It’s time to run like a real man.”

Mr. T's banned Snickers commercial - a shot to the butt

And he opens fire on said.. “fool.”

The ad aired on UK stations on July 13 - 20; its debut was set for the US, but the Human Rights Campaign group got word of it through the vine and hit Mars (the makers of Snickers candy bars) with a bold letter, saying the ad was not only unfunny, but promoted .. “The notion that the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community is a group of second class citizens and violence against GLBT people is acceptable.”

In response Mars pulled the ad that they thought was .. “fun”

“This ad is the second in a series of UK Snickers ads featuring Mr T, which are meant to be fun and have been positively received in the UK,” a Mars spokesman said. “However, we understand that humour is highly subjective, and it is never our intention to cause offense. Accordingly, we have pulled the Mr T speedwalker ad globally.”

This isn’t the first time a Snickers ad has caused controversy.

In 2007 a Snickers commercial aired during the Superbowl that showed two men with disgusted looks on their faces after they accidentally kissed while eating a Snickers bar from both ends. There is definitely someone in the marketing department with some issues.

Mr. T's banned Snickers commercial - get some nuts

While it might be hard to find the laughs in gunning down a ‘fool’ (not really).. what’s funnier than Mr. T yelling.. “Get Some Nuts!”

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 Jbone Wed, Jul 30, 2008 - 4:51 am

This is absurd.  Homosexuals complain about negative stereotyping (i.e. showing gays to be effeminite) but then when an effeminite man is made fun of, THEY immediately assume he’s gay!  They need to get over the http://www.theybannedme.com and get over themselves!

2 nad_angelwings Wed, Jul 30, 2008 - 9:59 am

its funny!!! people r just being too sensitive!!!

3 slipstream Wed, Jul 30, 2008 - 3:09 pm

Mr. T is the man and pulling the ad is stupid! I mean what year do we live in, last time I checked it was 2008 for pity sake.
I just downloaded Mr. T’s voice from Navtones.com for my GPS and I love it. But my question is, am I meant to get offended every time I make a wrong turn and he calls me a fool or something? On that note, I also go Kim Cattrall from Navtones, can I claim she is sexually harassing me when she says, “Lets just pull over and get in the backseat, thats bigger enough for us two, or maybe three”?
The Snickers ad is just an ad and with them pulling it, it’s probably getting more attention than it would have if it just came out. (Pun)
“Get Some Nuts.”

4 Jamila Wed, Aug 06, 2008 - 11:18 am

right on JBONE!

5 GetSomeNuts! Tue, Oct 12, 2010 - 11:10 am

Mr T. is AWESOME! I love this commercial!

