Aug 04 2008
Paula Patton strikes a pose under some palm trees

Paula Patton’s Conspiracy Theories: Did You Hear the One About?

In this month’s Esquire magazine Paula Patton reveals the curious side of her beautiful mind.
Did you know man never went to the moon? 9/11 was an inside job? How about those aliens slipping the government some helpful tips to nudge humans up the technological scale?

Yup, Paula’s got an ear for conspiracy theories. Not those in particular, she’s got her own ideas.

“I wouldn’t say I’m a full-on conspiracy theorist, but my eyes are open to what’s possible, because you realize that if you dig a little too far, you know, people just disappear. ..

The deeper you dig, the bigger the possibility that something could happen. .. surveillance is real. I just found out they put computer chips in people’s clothing to figure out how to market to you.

I think the age we’re living in is starting to get scary. And think about it: All the technology we have is there to keep us busy. Before, if your phone was busy, your phone was busy. You had no cell phone. Now people work 24/7, their BlackBerry keeps them busy, and e-mail—and when do they have time for other pursuits? When do they have time to be politically active?

And people aren’t as well-read anymore, so we share a common knowledge through movies. I’m rambling now. Im not going to talk anymore.”

And I’m extracting >> “A Woman We Love: Paula Patton”

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 Jamila Wed, Aug 06, 2008 - 10:49 am

she is so right!

