Sep 04 2008
McCain/Palin sign at Republican National Convention

Take that Obama! >> Sarah Palin Brings the Pain

Everyone is raving about Sarah Palin’s speech this morning, let them have their moment. This is the Republican’s time to show the country what they’re made of. If the majority of Americans found in that speech the kind of direction and leadership they want to embrace for the next four years, they will get exactly what they vote for.

What John McCain found in Sarah Palin is someone to be the ‘celebrity’ that can match the Barack Obama show. Someone that can actually speak for John McCain, because truthfully anything he says is ignored or forgotten five minutes later.

Sarah Palin smiles at the Republican National Convention

Lost in between Sarah Palin’s ‘funny’ and ‘biting’ comments was the lack of any truthful reason to cheer on the Republican squad. If you carved out all of the anti-Barack Obama lines what you would have is: I’m with John McCain all the way and “Drill Baby Drill.” As the Governor of Alaska she knows a few things about that pipeline..

Sarah Palin looks to the sky at the Republican National Convention

Other than that Palin is following John McCain’s lead on policy.
Which anyone knows by listening to him on and off the stump is a refried Bush burger on a McSame seed bun. See.. I can be snarky too.

Republicans party at the Republican National Convention

Which works. As we’ve seen with George Bush being elected twice, people vote and pay attention to he or she who is just like me.
Who can simplify things to the basic instincts - “The terrorists want to hurt you.” I couldn’t believe Giuliani brought that up or that Sarah Palin said victory in Iraq is in sight.. sound familiar?

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 Sincere Thu, Sep 04, 2008 - 2:09 pm

With all of the ranting and raving, Palin is still not enough of a person to discredit Obama’s inevitable inspiring communication, motivation, and leadership abilities. Palin’s celebrity was manufactured to take a piece of Obama’s popularity. But Obama’s celebrity was never a campaign strategy. The fact that Obama has been able to go as far as he has without the standardized experience and mud slinging proves that he naturally has more to offer than the GOP ticket does. Palin’s heavy insults and light substance don’t represent the type of change that this country is looking for. Good try though.

