Dec 24 2009
Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz at M2 Element of Freedom release party

Alicia Keys “The Element of Freedom” Party: Meet the Ex-One

On December 18, Alicia Keys was on hand at M2 Mansion in NYC for a release party for her stellar new album “The Element of Freedom.” If you don’t have it yet, you need to get off your computer and beat a path to Target/Walmart/Best Buy or pop a tab, click up an online shop and fill a shopping cart. Point is: forget the freebies, good music deserves better dollars (especially these days) and Alicia Keys cooked up something phenomenal for these cold winter months.

On a completely non-musical angle I can tell you listening to the album I wasn’t sure if Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz were still making their lo-pro relationship happen. Oh sure, throughout the album there is the sound and feel of a woman smiling in the glow of a new love, but who that love is I felt was up for question.

The pictures from the release party answer that clearly.. it’s still Swizzy.

Alicia Keys, Kerry Brothers, and Swizz Beatz at M2 Element of Freedom release party

The terrible part? Kerry Brothers, Alicia Keys’ rumored ex-boyfriend, was there too. Apparently, Alicia and Kerry are still buddies enough to cheese for the camera. I’m sorry, with Swizz right there, it has to be hard for Kerry to take that picture. On another level it can’t be the first time the three of them have been arm’s length apart, Kerry has a producing/business relationship with Alicia too. No need to lose the money and the woman. 😊

Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz at M2 Element of Freedom release party

I’m trying to remember what I was doing last Friday, meant to go this party. Looks like it was a good one.

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 debhony Mon, Dec 28, 2009 - 7:12 pm

Girl you are great and wonderful,i was always a fan of favorite is[ no one].any way god bless,stay sweet love you.

2 LeyLey Tue, Dec 29, 2009 - 1:11 am

That’s one talented homewrecker!

3 JaziiWalker Fri, Jan 01, 2010 - 4:33 am

Mann you are soo talented I wish i had your talent i can sing but i dont have the confidence to perform in front of millions i cant even perform in front of FRIENDS anyway best wishes

4 RISSA WIFEY Tue, Jan 05, 2010 - 10:46 pm

dont get me wrong i am a fan yet i heard she was a home wrecker i hope not

5 Yah is love Sun, Jan 31, 2010 - 12:21 am

Bittersweet but true, engaging to a man who is still marry…What is going on with Alicia’s head…Whatever beef he had with his wife, she should at least back off until things are finalized…Love your music and what I thought you represented as a woman, but I guess you have an obvious weakness, like so many women….Sad to say, you are a homewrecker…so dissappointed!

6 noneurs Thu, Feb 04, 2010 - 3:10 pm

@ Yah is love, We are all human and HUMANS make mistakes… Sorry if U think ur perfect ur not… So U R no one 2 judge her neither to talk shit cause im sure U have done worse things… And she is still a great person and #1 so breath easyyy hater… smdfh
@ Leyley, Ur lame and wack for being a follower…
@ Rissa Wifey, Life would just be so much better if we can all mind ours… Geesh shes just an amazing artist… Omg ppl R something else!!!!!!

7 carmen Tue, Feb 16, 2010 - 12:07 pm

i f**king hate you

8 gia Sun, Mar 14, 2010 - 5:52 pm

stay classic and sexy.i read that mrs knowles will be designing your outfits i hope she keep it classic and not sluted like she dress beyonce

9 brooke <3 loves yhu bittsshh Thu, May 27, 2010 - 3:40 pm

i love yhu 😊

girl yhu needa keep doin yhur thing boo

sleeping w/ a broken heart is onea my favorites.
&& no one 😊
even tho my brother talent show they messd that song up bigtyme! (:
but anyways
keep dpoin yhur thing gurl

10 alicia Sun, Jun 20, 2010 - 3:56 pm

i think she should leave a married man stay with her wife not to enter between them

