Jun 26 2009
Michelle Obama, Kerry Washington and Sarah Jones

First Lady Michelle Obama Wants Substance and Purpose

Michelle Obama was happy during Barack Obama’s run for president. When they weren’t together on the campaign trail, Michelle would occasionally speak at another event in the state; holding it down and promoting the cause for Change. Now that Barack Obama is the Commander in Chief, The Washington Post is reporting that Michelle Obama is wondering what exactly she’s supposed to do with this First Lady thing ..

“Although Obama’s job-approval ratings have soared, the first lady—a Harvard-educated lawyer—wasn’t satisfied with coasting. For weeks, Michelle Obama had been telling her staff and closest confidantes that she wasn’t having the impact she wanted. She is a woman of substance, with a background in law, public policy and management, who found herself relegated to role model in chief. The West Wing of the White House—the fulcrum of power and policy—had not fully integrated her into its agenda. She wanted more.”

She got rid of her Chief of Staff, hired someone tuned to her wavelength and is getting to work on issues of ‘importance.’..

“She is hiring a full-time speechwriter and has instructed her staff to think “strategically” so that every event has a purpose and a message. She doesn’t want to simply go to events and hug struggling military families, she said; she wants to show progress.”

“Her desire is to step out more and have deliverables,” said communications chief Camille Johnston. “It’s about things that are coming up that we want to be a part of: child nutrition reauthorization act, prevention and wellness for health-care reform.”

Can you blame her? Four years of ‘doing nothing’ would be insufferable.

- “A First Lady Who Demands Substance”

☼ What's Your Opinion? ☼

1 zamalool Sat, Aug 29, 2009 - 8:09 pm


